Thursday, August 03, 2006

New Shanice Album - Every Woman Dreams

Shanice is back! Her new album is called, 'Every Woman Dreams' shaniceonline and came out originally on February 21st, 2006.

Speaking of folks who are following and living their dreams, Shanice definitely is right there! Did we all see Shanice grow up right in front of our eyes over the years or what? I always liked Shanice because she was always so positive in her music and every interview.

She is one of the last remaining young artists in her age group who were in the music business and experienced success when R&B was still happy, joyful and clean. You remember those years don't you? 1987 through 1991? I consider those years some of the last years of Positive good R&B and Pop. There was actual joy in the music! You could hear artists and musicians smiling when they sang and played!

She is someone who has managed to hang in there well and has she always had a powerful voice or what?

I've heard her new album and it has several bonafide hits on it.

Urban AC is currently spinning, "Take Care of U" and "Every Woman Dreams," one of my favorites, Soulful!

Shanice is married to actor comedian Flex Anderson and has two children now, Imani Shekinah and Elijah Alexander. I heard them in an interview recently and they sound continuously happy and in love. That is so good to hear.

Vital Stats - Vocal Profile:

Voice type: Coloratura Soprano
Highest note: B 6 (I Wanna Give It to You, Love Is A Gift)
Lowest note: E 3 (Ain't Got No Remedy)
Vocal range: 3.5 octaves (E 3-B 6)

B 6 - Shanice's highest note from her song 'Love Is A Gift'.
A6, E 3 - Shanice hits these notes in her song 'Ain't Got No Remedy'.

Shanice has proven she has the gift and ability to be here no matter what changes the music industry is going through.

Shanice is one of those people I love before she even gets to the door, love her when she comes through the door, love it when she's here, and continue to love her long after she leaves. She's just one of those beautiful people inside and out.

Shanice, I Still Love Your Smile! :)

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