Tuesday, August 01, 2006

'Follow Your Dreams' Guest #1: Tonya P! Filmmaker, Director, Producer, Writer.

My first guest joining me in LT's Loft and Lounge for my new "Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart" series is someone whom I admire and whom I think is a shining star on the rise. Her energy is so positive, it is just a joy to be in her presence. This beautiful lady amazes me with her charm, sense of humor, positivity, all that she does, her kindness, her ambition, how busy she stays and more. How she juggles all that she does with such smoothness, coolness, style and sophistication. You know how you talk to somebody and you just feel so good inside while talking to them and even when the conversation is over? "Um-Hmm!" ;) People like that! Good vibrations!

Welcome, independent filmmaker/director/producer/writer, DC's own, Tonya P!

And now, our interview begins:

LT - First and foremost, congratulations on earning your Masters Degree from American University for Producing Film and Video this year! That is a great accomplishment! Thanks for coming on through The Loft & Lounge on this hot DC afternoon! Feel free to relax on the Jazzy cyber-couch, enjoy the AC and have a cool drink on ice! Thanks for making time out of your busy schedule to cool out here and just kick it, Tonya P!

Tonya P. - Thanks!

LT - Where are you originally from? Where did you grow up?

Tonya P. - I'm from the Washington, DC, Southern Maryland area. I grew up in DC and MD.

LT - Allright now! DC/MD in the house! What schools did you go to in DC/MD?

Tonya P. - I went to Friendly High School in Fort Washington, MD. While attending Friendly, I moved to DC but I continued to commute to Fort Washington for school. For Undergrad, I graduated from Howard University and just recently as you mentioned, I earned my Masters at American University.

LT - I remember Friendly! When did you first become interested in film, television as a career? What are some of your earliest memories?

Tonya P. - I can remember writing situation comedy scripts when I was 10. I was very fascinated with the art of television and film. With television, I was fascinated with the camera angles, the acting and the comedy writing. At 10, I wrote a few episodes of 'Facts of Life' and 'Different Strokes,' just messing around. It seemed to be the only thing that kept my attention at that age.

LT - Wow! Writing situation comedies at 10! That is really something! Go head, now! 

Tonya P. - :) With film, I fell totally in love with documentary films. As a kid, I would watch PBS religiously! I felt and still feel, documentary films give me a priveledged look into the lives of others. It has always been the storytelling that has kept me interested in this industry. I think my favorite PBS film at that time was "Wild Style".

LT - Interesting! PBS! Oh, man! Did you used to watch, 'Electric Company' and 'Zoom' like me too?

Tonya P. - I was all over it!

LT - LOL! Cool! (high-fives for, 'Electric Company' and 'Zoom' from back in the day!) What interests you more today, film or television?

Tonya P. - Definitely film! I love them both but television has become such a predictable formula that I've lost interest.

LT - I hear you about how predictable TV has become these days. You have done some very interesting documentaries. What inspired you to do documentaries? What are some of the topics you have covered and look forward to do in the future?

Tonya P. - Last Summer, I produced a short documentary on, "The Bee Lady." Not sure if you are familiar with her but she stings people who are suffering from everything from MS to PMS. She has a bee hive in her home and she only accepts donations for her work. She is truly amazing and her story is remarkable.

LT - Wow. I never heard of her before. She sounds interesting. And now?

Tonya P. - I'm currently working on a short documentary on PMS. I'm in the post-production stage. In the future, I want to produce films about people rising above adversity. I have a huge interest in human struggle.

LT - What story do you feel has not been done yet as far as Black Film and even Black Documentaries are concerned so far?

Tonya P. - Wow! I think we've done everything but of course there are subjects I would love to see covered. I would love to see more Black biography films. We always need films that educate and entertain.

LT - I agree with that. What are some of your favorite Documetaries? Some of your favorite films of all time? Films that you like to just curl up and watch on a Saturday or slow Sunday afternoon?

Tonya P. - My favorites are, "Love Jones", "City of God", "Soul in the Hole", "Born into Brothels", "Hotel Rwanda", "Style Wars", "Cooley High", "Claudine", "Wild Style", "Running Scared", "Bronx Tale", "Uptown Saturday Night", "Our Song", "X", the list goes on...

LT - Oh, wow! You hittin' it up in here, Tonya P! I like those too! The ones you mentioned I've seen, that is! What are some of your favorite shooting locations in DC/MD/VA?

Tonya P. - I haven't had the pleasure of doing a lot of location shooting but I think Baltimore is great! There are so many great undiscovered places to shoot.

LT- What would be some of your ideal shooting locations if you could secure them all, no problems, no fees, no questions asked?

Tonya P. - I'd have to say somewhere in the Caribbean. For no other reason except it is absolutely beautiful there.

LT - That sounds beautiful indeed. Who are some of your favorite directors and actors?

Tonya P. - I don't really have any favorite directors. My favorite actors are Denzel Washington, Kerry Washington, Alfre Woodard, Danny Glover and Morgan Freeman. 

LT - How did you enjoy being in, "The School of C" (Communications) at Howard? How did you like Howard overall? Any favorite memories?

Tonya P. - I really enjoyed attending The School of C at HU. It was the first place I felt like I was surrounded by greatness. From the students who came before me and made their mark in the entertainment industry to my overly ambitious classmates - I just felt priveleged to be there.

LT - I read in The Washington Post that you recently moved to Baltimore, nice interview by the way! How do you like it so far? Any big differences between DC and Baltimore? Anything you miss about DC?

Tonya P. - I can honestly say that I am enjoying Baltimore. I didn't expect to but I am. Baltimore is new for me so everything that I learn or discover is exciting to me. I've lived in DC a long time and I've pretty much done it all there. It's been fun learning about Baltimore's history and touring the historic neighborhoods. I'm very impressed with their cultural events. There are a few places I miss in DC that I can't get in Baltimore, like Eastern Market, The U Street corridor and Adams Morgan. I'd be happy to keep you in the loop of the haps in B-more :)

LT - Cool! Thanks! Who are some of your favorite musical artists?

Tonya P. - My favorite artists, hmmm...I'd have to say Corrine Bailey Rae, Wayna, Floetry, The Roots, Kem, Van Hunt, Kenny Lattimore, India Arie, Dwele, Beres Hammond, Bob Marley, Raheem DeVaughn, Jeffery Osbourne, TI, Lionel Ritchie, LTD, Jahiem, Talib Kweli, Mos Def...I could go on.

LT - Oh! There you go again! You are hittin' it up in here today two times with who you like! I dig them all too! :)

LT - If budget was not an issue, nor clearance rights for any music, if you could have any music you wanted in any of your future films what artists would you choose?

Tonya P. - I would have to go with Bob Marley, mon!

LT - Alright now, mon! You're choice there is irie and jammin on the one!

LT - For folks who don't know, where do you work?

Tonya P. - I am a Contract Compliance Quality Control Specialist for Discovery Communications, Inc.

LT - Wow! The Discovery Channel! Your job sounds interesting. I love The Discovery Channel! How do you like working at Discovery? What would you like to do at The Discovery in the near future? What do you see yourself doing there in the future?

Tonya P. - I love my job at Discovery, it challenges me daily. Ideally, I'm hoping to segue into a more creative position, production or programming. I don't want to settle into any position and I think Discovery is a great place to move around and learn.

LT - Cool! Tonya, P., I know whatever you choose to do in your career and touch will turn to gold and be all the better because you are all that and truly got it goin on! Let the Loft and Lounge audience say Amen?

(Jazz Cats and Jazz Kitties in The Loft & Lounge) - "Aaaaaameeeeeen!"

LT - So, back to your film career, what projects are you working on now? Can you tell us something good and juicy LaTonya has in store for us in the near future?

Tonya P. - Good and juicy- ew! Not sure about that :) But I have been collaborating with a friend on some projects in DC but not ready to announce them just yet.. ;)

LT - I hear that and respect it too! ;) What cities have you travelled to? Countries?

Tonya P. - I haven't been to half of the places I would like to go. I've only done the Caribbean really but I am planning a trip to Uganda. I'm very excited about that!

LT - Uganda! Now that sounds amazing. I want to go to Africa one day too. It is just a must!

LT - Switching topics a little , I heard you attended the 2006 BET Awards in LA! How were the BET Awards in person?! :)

Tonya P. - The BET Awards were good! One of those things you have to see to believe :)

LT - LOL! I believe you. Do you go to a lot of award shows?

Tonya P. - I don't even like award shows! I'm too impatient to wait for them to announce the winner. I usually channel surf when I'm watching one :)

LT - What other award shows have you been to?

Tonya P. - None :)

LT - Would you ever like to go to the Grammys or Oscars?

Tonya P. - Not really.

LT - Any countries you would like to film in?

Tonya P. - I would love to film in India. I find India fascinating.

LT - I dig Indian culture too. Bollywood is completly off the hook. I read they film more movies there in one year than America does. Hollywood has just awakened to this recently!

LT - What do you think about relationship films? Interested in doing any coming up soon?

Tonya P. - I LOVE relationship films! I would love to write a screenplay on Black relationships/romance. I love romance, it would be a subject very close to my heart.

LT - Hmm! Sounds like that will be good! What issues in documentaries you direct and produce would you like to see done that have not been done already or have not been done to your liking?

Tonya P. - Great questions, LT! I would like to see subjects such as the revitalization of poor urban neighborhoods and the effect it has on the original residents or stories about environmental racism.

LT - That is excellent! Umph! How hard is it to assemble a crew to do a film or documentary in the DC/MD/VA area?

Tonya P. - It's very easy to assemble a crew in this area! There are tons of resources to recruit. One of my favorite is the Maslow Media Group.  

LT - What are costs like? Who handles all that?

Tonya P. - Today costs can be negotiated, which is great. The production manager would handle those costs, Maslow Media maslowmedia is great with handling details like that.

LT - Do you have your own equipment?

Tonya P. - I don't have my own equipment. I wish I had that convenience.

LT - What all can you operate equipment-wise?

Tonya P. - I do a little editing on Final Cut Pro and I'm pretty good using a mini-dv camera.

LT - How hard or easy is it working with a film crew? Are there any challenges?

Tonya P. - I think the biggest challenge is communicating your vision. You want to make sure your crew is on the same page!

LT - I hear you! That definitely sounds like an important factor that must be shared with your crew! Do you like to be outdoors in the elements when you shoot?

Tonya P. - I prefer being outdoors. I think I'm just an outdoor kinda person.

LT - Do you like inside studio shoots better?

Tonya P. - I guess I don't mind the studio setting - my focus is to just get the best shot.

LT - DC has a lot of films that have been done here. Have you ever been in any films filmed in this area?

Tonya P. - I probably have ;) Back in the day I did a lot of extra work. Can't even tell you what those films were. ;)

LT - Hmm! I will have to check my DC movies section of my DVDs to look out for you!

By the way, you are very beautiful! And you look like you could be an actress yourself! Any acting experience or plans? You've got the look!

Tonya P. - Beautiful? Well, thanks! :) I like to think I can act :) I do have plans to get involved in theater acting. I have a secret passion for it. Maybe I'll follow in Spike's footsteps and put myself in my films :)

LT - Alright now! I read that you also do photography. What do you like about photography the most?

Tonya P. - Now where did you read that, LT? I do but I didn't think I put that out there! What I like the most about it is that I feel like photographs tell stories and every ones sees a different story. I love photos of myself. It's not that I'm vain, it's just that I tie them with emotions. I take so many pictures because I don't want to lose that feeling.

LT - Interesting, I feel what you're saying there. What camera is the best to you? Nikon?

Tonya P. - See, I'm not even on that level yet!

LT - It's all good. I am still on the CVS and Rite Aid throw away camera level myself! LOL! But I would like to buy a nice NIkon soon. What do you like taking pictures of the most?

Tonya - I usually take pictures of my boyfriend and friends. My boyfriend speaks even when he is silent so I like to capture his moods with photography...I think it's great to capture a small piece of time like that.

Now that I'm in Baltimore, I can't wait to take pics of the monuments and statues. I'm in total awe of them and can't wait to shoot.

LT - "...Speaks even when he is silent," wow, that is an interesting and descriptive description. Yes, folks like that make great photo subjects I've heard.

LT - Do you like black and white pics or color or both?

Tonya P. - Black and White!

LT - Do you like black and white films?

Tonya P. - I think it depends on the subject and the length!

LT - What is your dream job? The job you see yourself doing so easy and just knocking out the box?

Tonya P. - I really wish I knew the answer to that. I guess I'm still searching. I know it will be something exciting, creative and doesn't tie me to a desk!

LT - What do you think about DC as far as film, media, television etc. Is DC truly the Communications Capitol of the world?

Tonya P. - I don't think DC is on the map for Black Entertainment and I think that is a shame. It's a news mecca but that's about it. I would love to see DC rise up like the ATL. We have a lot of talent but folks keep leaving to pursue their dreams.

LT - I read on your myspace that you dug, 'Cooley High'! I love that movie too! Any favorite scenes?

Tonya P. - I have favorite quotes in this film! "Pooter will you get the hell off the breakfront!", "Did you look up on the counter where the mail is kept...", "Loretta Brown..", I could go on and on...

LT - LOL! Oh! Good ones! I love that movie from beginning to end. So many memorable scenes, you are right!

LT - What did you think of, 'Sparkle' with Irene Cara?

Tonya P. - I loved, 'Sparkle' as well! It made me fall in love with Black Cinema.

LT - Do you like to dance? What styles of dancing do you do or like the most?

Tonya P. - I love to dance, it is very therapeutic! I do salsa and I love that reggae dancing. I dabble in hand-dancing but I have to admit I'm not that great.

LT - Aw, go head now! Salsa and Reggae! Who would you pay to see in live concerts? Folks who are so good, you would pay to see them every time?

Tonya P. - Hmmmm. I'd have to say The Roots!

LT - Ah, Yes, yes, ya'll! The Roots! On drums - ?uestLove! "Party People and ya know that!" What kind of music do you like the most?

Tonya P. - I love R&B the most, it's very close to my heart and soothes my moods.

LT - Do you like theater? what are some memorable plays you saw and liked?

Tonya P. - I really enjoy the theater experience. The most memorable one, of course, is the The Color Purple. My mother gets tickets to local theater productions every year and I really, really love the plays at Arena Stage!

LT - Cool! What advice would you give to any aspiring future filmakers out here?

Tonya P. - Since I'm just starting I would love for someone to give me some advice! Pass that on...

LT - I will. ;) How can folks reach you if they are interesed in looking for an excellent independent filmaker, director, producer for a film or doc?

Tonya P. - I can be reached at myspace.com/tinymama12.

LT - Tonya P., thanks for dropping by The Loft and Lounge! It is always cool chattin' with you! I look forward to all your future projects! Be sure to keep me updated on all your future projects! Come by again any time!

Tonya P. - :)

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