Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August 1st, 2006 - LT's 'Follow Your Dreams, Follow Your Heart' Series Launches!

August is the beginning of my, "Following Your Dreams, Following Your Heart" series here in The Loft & Lounge. I will be focusing on people who are "doin' the dang thing" in their respected fields, careers and professions. Communications, Mass Media, Radio, Television, Film and more. Some you have already seen here in The Loft & Lounge but this will be more personal and intimate. And some you have seen will be back for these more up close and personal features.

We will be talking the real deal here with guests being free to express themselves however The Spirit moves them! Folks who are following and living their dreams. People that always inspired me and that I always wanted to interview. Here in LT's Loft & Lounge, just about anybody is bound to show up as we are the Coolest Spot to be amongst the Foresty Trees! We are that Loft and Lounge almost kissing the clouds atop the treetops! Look for me, I'll be here!

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