Sunday, November 05, 2006

Star Wars Episode I, II, III, IV, V, VI - Airing On Cinemax In HD - Friday@Midnight.

Premiering on this Friday, November 10th, 2006 at Midnight.

I think that most who have been reading my post know by now that as a Star Wars fan going back to 1977, I think it's great Cinemax is going to show these movies in High Definition.

Cinemax is promoting this as "For The First Time Ever. All Six Movies. In Order. In HD." The magazine ad I saw of this looks great.

But it takes me back to my June 2006 Post entitled Star Wars Revenge of the Sith 1 Year Later and all that I thought that was wrong with Episodes I, II, III and all the things that could have been better in my opinion.

To show them in order like this was a no-brainer to do at some point. My point remains that because I, II, and III did not hold up in my book as far as Star Wars movies go, it really doesn't make a difference to me that they are showing them even with the High Definition quality.

I have viewed those movies in every order imaginable. LOL. The original ones just don't flow with the new ones. To this day, they still feel like two sets of 3 movies each! LOL. But again, time will tell how this and future generations will like them in numeric order (I through VI) and how they will receive them in that way over the years.

Bells and whistles are fine but if the stories didn't impress me I honestly can't get that excited about the event.

If I through III were really that well done, I would give George Lucas and Company all the Kudos I could muster up right here and now, but those movies just didn't do it for me on a Star Wars level. I know, I know...A long and much debated discussion. Everyone has an opinion on them even still.

All of the movies now are on and have been on VHS and DVD several times over combined. Mastered and Re-Mastered. The world has had a while now to see these movies in order or any order they wish for a while now too.

So now we can see them in HD. Cool. The logical next step. But! If the new ones I, II, III didn't live up to all or most Original SW Fans expectations, is it that big of a deal?

Bottom Line - If I see this, I would most likely tune in when Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope begins and continue watching from there.

See the cinemax website for schedules and listings.

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