I received an email this morning about this 23-year-old young lady from one of my friends. A story that I did not read in the papers or hear reported in the news. A story that I did not see on any of the morning shows or cable news channels. I also did not see this covered on any of the local news stations when it happened around the middle of September in the DC/MD/VA area and Lt. Emily Perez was from right here in Prince Georges County, Maryland.
This story has stayed with me and really made my heart feel heavy all day. I am going to be honest here; It also angered the hell out of me all day because it is something that didn't have to happen in my opinion, much like this whole war and much like the casualties we hear about every day on both sides. Including the killing of many innocent Iraqi women, children and elderly.
This War In Iraq is something that has gone on too long and in my opinion didn't even have to happen despite what the official and official reports have said and I also feel has been actually drummed up since the beginning and even sold to the American public. For Certain key position individuals in federal government and corporate business, their own children they would never even consider sending into battle of any kind.
I know I am not alone because I have spoken with many people who once supported the war and even now are either having second thoughts about it or who are totally ready for it to end and just let the troops come home. There are also many staunch right wingers and Republicans who have come out publicly and have now said this is the wrong war to be fighting, at the wrong time and that we have all been misled by this current administration. It goes on and on.
After searching the net today, I did find some coverage of what happened to Emily Perez in Iraq and more about her incredible life.
Here is the article the Washington Post did: washpost.com
Another Wash Post link: washpost.com
CNN: cnn.com
Time Magazine: time.com
A very informative Veteran's blog on the War in Iraq: iraqnam.blogspot.com
Official US Soldiers body count from this War in Iraq site: icasualties.org
Iraq Body Count: iraqbodycount.org
Another grim reminder of this War in Iraq.
Also heard about this interesting book on C-SPAN this week: Soldiers in Revolt: GI Resistance During the Vietnam War by David Cortright
And this: appealforredress.org
My deepest condolences and heartfelt prayers go out to The Perez Family and Friends. Peace and Blessings to all the families who have lost loved ones in the War of Iraq.
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