Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When The Levees Broke Acts III & IV

I saw the second night and conclusion of Spike Lee's When The Levees Broke tonight. whentheleveesbroke

I sat down with the intention of writing my thoughts on the documentary on a whole and this lead to my feelings and my memories of last year on August 29th when we first heard of the news of Hurricane Katrina hitting the coast and the terrible, horrific days after, which lead to a whole bigger, longer post but suddenly right now as I write this, I have not much to say and that strikes even me as odd for how I know myself.

Then I thought I would wait until August 29th, 2006 to actually post on it but the way I am feeling now is just...OK, I will see how The Spirit moves me on August 29th as to what I may or may not post on that day on this terrible and sad situation.

No, maybe I can describe it another way. There's some things I want to say but I said so much last year to family and friends and anybody listening, I think I expressed all my pain, hurt, anger, dissapointment, frustration and more all last year though I still feel all of the above right to today about it and more.

Believe me when I tell you, if I had this blog this time last year I would light this post up and tell you exactly all what I said but I'm not going to do it this time because for some reason I'm not feeling it do to it now in that way. I think it is because so many of us feel the same way and we are thinking the same things and so much has been discussed on it and still is. I think it is also because after the documentary ended, I still am heavy in many thoughts and sometimes in life there are just moments like this.

What actually can be said that hasn't been said or expressed already?

I think what I want to focus on tonight is solutions. I want to channel my energy on it into more positive energy on solutions and other ways people can help aside from just giving money.

I had a lot to say on this last year, but right now I am pretty much speechless on the whole thing in a different way because once again, so many thoughts are running in my head as I write this. Especially on what still hasn't been done aside from all the hundreds of millions of dollars that were donated.

They say hindsight is 20/20.

I can say this, Well done, Spike Lee, very well done. He just let everyone tell their own stories and let the pictures speak for themselves.

This is actually not a blog night for me on this topic. It is a journal night. My thoughts on this situation I am leaving just to me in my journal cuz I can't post it. And that's OK too.

This is a night where I want to continue to use all my positive energy to work on solutions through those I know and that are connected to folks who still need help and work on helping in any way I can for all those affected and all those that still need help and assistance. To never forget them and to be reminded work still needs to be done.

It also brings attention to all the places in America that still are poor areas that are neglected to this day. It brings light on the whole situation. It forces America to really look at herself. All of herself.

It brings to mind the billions of dollars being spent on the present war with very little to nothing being done for New Orleans or the other states affected a full year later? For a full 12 months?

I hope the world and the government gets that message too.

Once again, if you wanna keep updated with some folks who are truly doing the damn thing with helping those affected by Katrina, latest news updates and more from the ground level of New Orleans, check out: theneworleansagenda. They are the most informative to me. Big-ups, Vincent Sylvain and Family! On Top Of It.


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