Saturday, August 26, 2006

Stephanie Jordan Performs at Westminster Church's Jazz Night in DC!

So I go out for a late lunch yesterday because the workload got so heavy at work as it can get, and totally on the fly I make a quick stop to get one more thing. On my way back to the car, who do I see in the middle of traffic as I am crossing the street but New Orleans Jazz vocalist StephanieJordan! (Stephanie, we've got to keep on meeting like this!)

Steph - (horn honks) "LT!"

LT - "Hey, Stephanie! I cannot believe this! Two times in a row! How you doin', Stephanie?!"

Steph - "I'm performing at Westminster Church in SW DC tonight!"

LT - (me standing in the middle of traffic holding hands with Stephanie in her car watching out both ways for oncoming traffic) "What time is it? I'll be there!"

Family, Stephanie's performance was off the hook.

I'm not sure if I told you all the story of how my cousin and I had tried to have lunch for weeks several months back but because of our busy schedules we just weren't able to do it. One day we just emailed each other.

Cousin J - "What you doin today for lunch?"

LT - "I'm free!"

Cousin J - "Let's do it!"

LT - "Cousin, you ain't said nuttin but a word. Let's do this!"

It was on this spontaneous, totally on the fly afternoon lunch several months back that I first ran into Stephanie Jordan. We used to work together at WDCU Jazz 90 FM in the late 80s.

My cousin and I were still deciding on a spot right up until we chose this Asian restaurant near our jobs. Again, totally spontaneous decision.

My cousin and I were catching up on our own lives as it had been a while since we saw each other too and at the tail end of our meal, who walks in?

This fine, georgeous lady I was thinking to myself, "Hmm...who dat?" LOL! I'm sayin! She caught a brotha's eye!

Our eyes met and we actually looked at each other for a moment before I think it both hit us that we knew each other! LOL!

LT - "Stephanie?!"

Steph - "LT?!"

Both: (Big hugs) "Oh my God!! How you doin?!?!?"

I hadn't seen Stephanie for years but saw her on the Jazz From Lincoln Center Higher Ground Benefit jazzatlincolncenter/higherground on PBS last Fall and had been trying to get in contact with her ever since. So God worked it out for us and we caught up with each other good that day. ;)

Stephanie's performance last night was beautiful. She and her band did a lovely tribute to Shirley Horn. Packed house and Standing Room Only! And I do mean, Standing! Stephanie also recieved several standing ovations.

They performed at Westminster Church in SW DC whom I read about years ago. This church has taken a unique approach where every Friday night they showcase Live Jazz Music. I loved their saying that "We share fellowship and affirm the fact that this is a powerful communal and spiritual experience -- that God loves Jazz and rejoices with us in our expressions of love and life." Go head, Westminster Church!Lovin' that!

Stephanie also performed at The Kennedy Center several weeks back but I missed it! Check out some of the performances here: milleniumstage.

I hope to interview Stephanie soon here in LT's Loft & Lounge but I know she stays busy and has been in high demand especially since the Higher Ground concert last year in New York. A lot of people saw that! What an incredible night! That night was a release for me about my feelings on Hurricane Katrina and a spiritual, soulful, heart filled healing all wrapped in one.

Stephanie's CD has been selling like hot cakes. I actually had to go to two Towers to get it and bought the last one they had just days after her Higher Ground performance.

Situations like this reconfirm that "The Creator is truly working, all of the time!" If you put it out there, He will work out the rest! The Creator truly works in mysterious ways and is The Master Planner. I think some people also call it, "Synchronicity!"

Stephanie, beautiful performance! I look forward to having you here in LT's Loft and Lounge for your interview soon!

Peace, Love & Blessings!

1 comment :

LT said...

Cool, Man! Yeah, it is nice. The food was good too!
Peace! LT