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Sunday, November 02, 2008
Voting is Important Because...
A great message and excellent words from BlackTree Media! BlackTree, I applaud you!
From: blacktree media
Added: November 02, 2008
In his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln called democracy government of the people, by the people and for the people. It means that we are not here to serve our government, but that our government is here to serve us — and we have the right to decide who will represent us and how we want to be represented. It means that we have one of the greatest rights any free people can have: the right to vote.
Voting is a right that, throughout history, many have fought for and sacrificed everything to achieve. Its a right that people continue to fight for and that millions of people throughout the world still do not enjoy. As Americans, we have the great privilege to live in a free society and voting is the right that makes us free.
Why Should I Vote?
Maybe youre asking yourself, With all the millions of people who vote in any given election, does my vote really count? Or perhaps you feel like you cant really make a difference, so why bother? The truth is that your vote does count and you do make a difference every time you vote!
Your vote holds your local and national leaders responsible for the decisions they make. Your vote sends a message about the issues you think are important. Your vote affirms our rights as free citizens to elect our government and take part in democracy. Without voting, there could be no democracy.
Maybe you know other people who choose not to vote because they feel like what goes on in the government doesnt affect them. The truth is, it doesin many ways. Elected officials make all sorts of decisions that can directly affect your life. The President and Congress you elect will decide whether to raise or lower taxes, make economic policies that could affect your job and decide when or if to use military force. There are also local elections, which can have an even more immediate and personal effect on you, your lifestyle and your community.
Vote because you care about your community. Vote because you believe in free government and want to add your voice. Vote because it will make you feel good to participate and have a say. Vote because its the right thing to do!
Young People and Voting
The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. — 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution
In 1971, the 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution gave everyone 18 years of age or older the right to vote. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania considers getting out the youth vote to be of great importance and is committed to providing the education and resources necessary to encourage young people to register and vote.
As more young people register to vote and head out to the polls, the more you will see your elected officials taking an active interest in whats important to young voters. This is already happening and you can make a difference by casting your vote and encouraging your friends to do the same.
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