Saturday, November 01, 2008

Old Time Radio: Chuck Schaden's Those Were The Days After-Halloween Mystery Marathon on WDCB 90.9 FM Glen Ellyn, IL

From Nostalia Digest Magazine Autumn 2008 Issue. Classic Halloween Old Time Radio Broadcasts for 4 Hours! Listen Live On The Net! Good stuff!:

Chuck Schaden's Those Were the Days After-Hallowe'en Mystery Marathon
Saturday, November 1st, 2008: 1-5 p.m.

WDCB is very pleased to present Chuck Schaden's “Those Were the Days,” a program that has played a prominent role in Chicago’s radio history for more than 35 years. Drawing from his vast library of material each Saturday, Chuck presents old-time radio classics and music.

Lights Out (July 7th, 1946) "The Coffin in Studio B" by Wyllis Cooper. In a radio studio, the cast and production team prepare a "Lights Out" program for broadcast. An all-Chicago cast: Bob Murphy, Sherman Marks, Don Gallagher, Jack Bivans, Charles Eggleston, George Stone announces. Sustaining, NBC. (29 minutes)

Casey, Crime Photographer (July 24th, 1947) "Photo of the Dead" starring Staats Cotsworth as Casey with John Gibson and Jan Miner. Casey's friend claims he has been in communication with his dead wife - and has a photograph to prove it. Tony Marvin announces. Anchor-Hocking, CBS (29 Minutes)

Quiet Please (October 31st, 1948) "Calling All Souls" by Wyllis Cooper. On Hallowe'en, a condemned killer, before his execution, continues to claim his innocence and hopes that new evidence will be found. Cast: Ernest Chapell, Kermit Murdock, Mary Patton, Ralplh Schoolman. Sustaining, ABC (30 minutes)

Inner Sanctum (1940s) "Return from the Grave." In New England, an older woman hears the howling wind outside and the heavy footsteps of her dead husband, climbing the cellar stairs. Cast: Ralph Bell, Everett Sloane, Mason Adams. Note: This story is also known as "Auntie Ellen" and "Death Proposal." AFRS rebroadcast. (23 minutes)

The Shadow (November 23th, 1937) "Circle of Death" starring Orson Welles as Lamont Cranston and Agnes Moorehead as the lovely Margo Lane. A masked killer sets off a series of explosions, each time leaving a note that reads, "I hate crowds." Blue Coal, MBS. (30 minutes) Read the cover story about Orson Welles on page 40. (Nostalgia Digest Magazine Autumn 2008)

Murder At Midnight (August 24th, 1946) "The Creeper." Story of a madman who murders women in their apartments and scrawls notes on the victims' walls saying "For Heaven's sake, catch me before I kill again." Cast includes Ann Shephard, John Gibson. Syndicated. (25 minutes)

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