In today's Washington Post. A follow up to the Slavery Apology earlier this week.
Slavery Apology: A Sincere Step Or Mere Politics?
Rep. Tony Hall, below, proposed that the House apologize for slavery in 2000. The measure failed. Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, left, won support for a similar proposal this week. Nikki Tinker, far left, who's running against Cohen, said the move was a ploy to win black votes. (By Ron Thomas -- Associated Press)
By Darryl Fears
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, August 2, 2008; Page C01
Elton John said it best in one of his hit songs: "Sorry seems to be the hardest word."
You don't have to listen to the record. Just ask the House of Representatives. More than 140 years passed before lawmakers apologized for slavery this week. They put some fancy words and soaring language in a resolution, but it basically boils down to this: "We're sorry. Our bad."
The resolution confesses what we all know: that kidnapping millions of Africans, marching them through the savanna, sailing them across the Atlantic, selling them into bondage and canonizing the enterprise into law was more than just bad. It was evil.
Okay, so now what?
Article link: www.washingtonpost.com
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