Sunday, November 11, 2007

What Is The Latest With The XM/Sirius Merger?

What would be the upsides and downsides of XM Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio merging together to become one? This has been a story I have been following and reading in the trades how it has been playing out since it was first announced in February 2007.

The dynamics involved are fascinating to me. Two major companies wth cutting edge technology in the satellite radio arena. After a rollercoaster of results with the buying public going from almost everyone having to have an xm radio or sirius radio in their car and or home, sales went up, sales went down, sales moderated and then sales seemed to go back down for each company. Next thing you know, we hear that these main two companies who have been competing with each other on the daily for listeners and subscribers, all of a sudden want to merge.

They want to merge now? How did that happen? In comes The FCC. In comes The Justice Department. And now onto The Congressional Hearings. It has the dynamics of a good novel of the 21st Century found in the Mass Media/Communications section of Borders or Barnes & Noble.

Will the customer in the end really win, lose or come out about even when all is said and done? And what about the stockholders on both sides? How will they be affected? What are their concerns? The word Monopoly has been brought up again and again it seems whenever this story is covered. The pluses and minuses, what will they be once the ink has dried and the dust has finally settled? Or is this not going to happen at all?

Washington Post Staff Writer Marc Fisher shares his opinion on the subject in today's Washington Post.

XM-Sirius Merger Made Simple: One Is Always Less Than Two
By Marc Fisher
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, November 11, 2007; Page M11

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