Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Best Spoken Words of The Day - Head Coach C. Vivian Stringer & Rutgers Women's Basketball Team At Press Conference

Coach C. Vivian Stringer, you are incredible. I salute you! These young ladies handled themselves so well with such dignity, style, intelligence, class, and grace and summed up all my feelings on this whole situation and more. I not only tip my hat to all these ladies, I take my hat off, I stand up and applaud them too.

Coach C. Vivian Stringer's words were so powerful, elegant and truthfully spoken. Her words were truly the best spoken words I heard today. Her words at the Press Conference need to be played over and over again. Instead of airing all this other junk the cable news channels have been rolling with for weeks on end, they need to show Coach Stringer's words in heavy rotation. She was 100% on target that what has happened is bigger than Imus. It's bigger than what Imus said about the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team.

Offical website of the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team: scarletknights.com


Coach C. Vivian Stringer Press Conference: msn.com/video

MSNBC Story link: msnbc.com

Coach C. Vivian Official Press Release Statement:

"I am deeply saddened and angered by Mr. Imus' statements regarding the members of the Rutgers women's basketball team. These talented, articulate young women put forth a great deal of hard work and effort this past season to reach the nation's grandest stage - the NCAA title game.

Throughout the year, these gifted young ladies set an example for the nation that through hard work and perseverance, you can accomplish anything if you believe. Without a doubt, this past season was my most rewarding in 36 years of coaching. This young team fought through immeasurable odds to reach the highest pinnacle and play for the school's first national championship in a major sport.

To serve as a joke of Mr. Imus in such an insensitive manner creates a wedge and makes light of the efforts of these classy individuals, both as women and as women of color. It is unfortunate Mr. Imus sought to tarnish Rutgers' spirit and success. Should we not, as adults, send a message of encouragement to young people to aspire to the highest levels as my team did this season?

It is of the utmost importance to be an inspiration to young people and I truly believe my team represented Rutgers University, the state of New Jersey and NCAA student-athletes across the country in the highest manner. I am proud of these young women and strongly encourage Mr. Imus to instead read the headlines and the stories that told of our triumphs the past six months.

Thousands of alumni and fans have reached out to me the past few days to share their warm wishes and congratulations on a special year, fans of not only Rutgers University but of women's basketball. I appreciate their kindness and am proud to be associated and surrounded by ten exceptional student-athletes."

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