Sunday, September 17, 2006

Will Smith Brings Story of Chris Gardner To Big Screen in 'The Pursuit of Happyness'.

This is truly an amazing and incredible story.

Pictured on the right is the book by ChrisGardner called ThePursuitofHappyness with Quincy Troupe published on Harper Collins.

Will Smith saw a piece "20/20" did on Mr. Gardner in 2003 and was so moved and inspired by his life-story, he felt compelled to bring it to the big screen. Mr. Gardner had been approached by many to do movies about his life after that story aired but none of them felt quite right to him, until he got a call from Will Smith.

Check out the original "20/20" piece here:

Part II

The movie which comes out December 15th, stars Will Smith, 5-year-old son, Jaden and actress Thandie Newton.

This looks like it's going to be very, very good.

You know Oprah probably already has them all lined up to appear on her show. The life themes of his story I think are going to touch a lot of people's lives and also be very inspiring, as we will all be able to relate to it on some level.

Official movie website: sony/

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