Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ruben Studdard Returns with New Album 'The Return' Drops September 26th, 2006

Ruben Studdard's new single is called, 'Change Me' and is getting some nice spins on Urban AC's. You can take a listen here on Ruben's Official myspace page:

Official site:

Did you dig Ruben's, 'Sorry 2004' - I liked it. I thought it was a good song. It was solid! ;)

I said it before and I will say it again, September and the Fall of '06 is looking to be a great month and time in Great Music and Great R&B and Soul. Googobs of great music is coming out this and next month too. The whole Fall of '06 is shaping up nicely. New, current and older artists we haven't heard from in a minute are all coming out with something too.

Keep it coming'!

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