Saturday, September 30, 2006

Happy Birthday, Johnny Mathis

Johnny Mathis was born on this day in 1935 in San Francisco, California. He became a romantic pop singer who amassed more than 50 gold and platinum records for such hits as "Misty." He also has the distinction of having an album on the Billboard pop charts for the longest period of 480 weeks.

Official Johnny Mathis site:
Sony's Official Johnny Mathis site:

Johnny Mathis is currently on his 50th Anniversary Tour. For his complete tour schedule see here: TourSchedule

Here is a great musical montage of Johnny Mathis to the classic "Misty" from The Ed Sullivan Show, 1959:

This is the music my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles loved. Over time I grew to love his music too. I remember hearing and seeing the 33 LP album covers of Johnny Mathis' music in the house and whoever else's house we went to visit too. Still a timeless, smooth sound. I also remember when we heard Johnny Mathis's music on the radio around the holidays, we knew Christmas was really coming. He has some incredible Christmas albums that he's done I still don't think any other artist has touched to this day.

When DC used to have a Big Band radio station, and played this type of music in general, we used to hear Johnny Mathis on the radio all the time. (For me, late 60s and 70s). Yet another reason I would love to see DC get a Big Bander back on the FM side.

Now, you have to basically pay for a satellite radio service to hear some of Johnny Mathis' music on the regular unless you have the original albums or CDs. Then again, you can always load some of Johnny Mathis' music into your IPOD! LOL. Man, how times have changed.

Another memory of when the music on the radio was good! And free!

Grandchildren in 2026: "Grandpa, You mean back then you could actually hear quality music for free? Great romantic music with a meaning and a purpose?"

Grandpa: "For free. Yep, grandkids, those were the good ole days." (Grandpa rocks back and fourth in his rocker getting misty-eyed.)

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