Friday, August 04, 2006

Donnie - The Colored Section - A+!

Donnie - The Colored Section. Originally released in November 2002.

Family, how I can I put it to you? One of THE best albums released in 2002, par nun! And now, one of my best of all time.

The brotha is BAD! If you don't have this one in your selections, I guarantee you, you will love it. It is a must buy.

I have played this album so many times, even though it is on CD, I know I will probably have to get another one soon.

Completely amazing.

He dropped by WHUR one time when he came to peform in a small club in DC. He has been here three times that I have known about. I mean, this guy...(head shaking left to right)...Fam, all I can say is "Buy This Album!" and then tell me what you think. Once again, I guarantee you, you will not be dissapointed. I was and still am blown away by this album.

It sounds like it came right out of the mid 70s but he still puts his modern touch on it.

I think this brotha came out of a time machine and zoomed up to where we are now! LOL!

Stevie, Marvin, Donnie, Stevie, Marvin, Donnie.

If I didn't know any better I would have thought I was right back in that time again and this guy's name would have been right there no problem!

This is one of those albums that you will feel compelled to buy 5 to 10 more for family and friends just because. Don't say nothin, just give it to them. That's it. Just give it to them and walk away. Lol! They will tell you what they think all by themselves! LOL!

The Tracklist is so good, it's golden. I can't review each one. This album is solid gold from beginning to end. That's how good it is. I can tell you some of my favorites are...dayum, the whole album! I'm shakin my head all over again just thinking about the first time I heard this album. He does so many things with his voice. Donnie could do Theater and Broadway easy if he hasn't already.

You have to pay attention to the lyrics when you listen to this, but the first time was hard for me because the whole sound of the album is so incredible. This is a masterpiece! When I went back and listened to the lyrics even more closely I was blown away again in a whole nother way.

Don't let any of the titles throw you, he is saying something else you will not expect in a whole nother direction. He flips words upside down, inside out with the meanings. It is perfect that the cover shot is he is a teacher in a school. The man is droppin' science! At times I felt like I was in church. This is not an album, it is an experience. Donnie is nuthin but Tha Truth.


1. Welcome to the Colored Section
2. Beautiful Me
3. Cloud
4. People Person
5. Big Black Buck
6. Wildlife
7. Do You Know?
8. Turn Around
9. You Got a Friend
10. Heaven Sent
11. Rocketship
12. Masterplan
13. Our New National Anthem
14. Welcome to the Colored Section

Donnie, we anxiously await your sophmore return! Off the hook!

Oh, by the way, you know I didn't forget ya'll up in here. Donnie's myspace for you! Bam! ;) Saved the best for last.

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