Sunday, February 24, 2008


Sent to me by my good friend Toni Asante Lightfoot. This video comes from The wording above it reads, "Video: Interviewer Picks The Wrong Obama Supporter to Try To Railroad". When you get there, look under the video and you will see that it is loaded with great comments of folks who also loved how this young man handled himself so impromptu and on the spot like this.

After I saw this video I said to myself, "Go head, Derrick! Rumble, young man, rumble!"

Toni raised an excellent point that this is the type of young man who would never be seen on nightly news when they do their man on the street interviews. I agree with that.

The interviewer thought he was going to out-ask this young man about some issues that the general person on the street, even those supporting their chosen candidate may have not known about and, man, did "Mike" get a surprise. I love the way Derrick ends it, "Don't sleep!" lol! Nice!

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