Monday, March 05, 2007

New Trailer - Talk To Me - The Story of DC's Own Radio Legend Petey Greene

Check out this article from last Summer when they were filming this movie in D.C.:

Retroactivist: The Black Power of Petey Greene
'Talk' Goes On Location, Back In The Day
By Jennifer Frey
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday July 30th, 2006, Page D01


In Theaters 07/20/2007

The telling of the real-life story of Ralph Waldo "Petey" Greene, an outspoken ex-con who talked his way into becoming an iconic radio personality in the 1960s, in Washington, D.C. Sparked by both the era's vibrant soul music and exploding social consciousness, Petey openly courted controversy at a white-owned station. Relying on his producer Dewey Hughes to run interference, Petey's unprecedented "tell it like it is" on-air style gave voice and spirit to the black community during an exciting and turbulent period in American history.


SimzBrazil said...

O wee this film looks exciting. I saw the preview trailer a few months back and its been on my list of films to see since then! Great post!

LT said...

Cool! Yes, I can still remember the sound of Petey Greene's voice on the radio. I was just a kid but I can still remember he was something else, didn't mess around about tellin that truth about life and was so funny he would have everybody cracking up from the young folks to the older folks. A must see on my list. I am looking forward to it's D.C. premiere! Thanks!