Sunday, March 18, 2007

'Follow Your Dreams' Guest #4 - Sandi Morais - Caribbean Queen of Exercise & Co-Writer of The Hit Play "Sacha On Broadway"

Official Sandi Morais website:
Official Sandi Morais myspace:

Joining me today in LT's Jazzy Radio Loft & Lounge for my ongoing "Follow Your Dreams" series which I started here in August 2006, is fitness expert Sandi Morais, The Caribbean Queen of Exercise. Sandi Morais has been featured in publications such as Sister 2 Sister Magazine, Club Life Magazine, Natural Awakenings, and many more.

Sandi Morais has also released several dance aerobics videos including an excellent work-out DVD titled "Tune-Up With Sandi Morais." The DVD offers a total body workout in just 30 minutes. Her videos for people of all ages have been featured in several magazine. In 2005 Sandi wrote and published her first fitness book, "Tune-Up with Sandi Morais". In January 2006 a short biography and an interview that Sandi originally conducted in 1995 about cancer survivor Catherine Roach-Connor was published in a book titled "Psalms in the Dance of Life":

In June 2006 Sandi released her 30 minute Tune-up total body workout DVD including a special bonus with Philip Michael Thomas. She currently writes fitness tips for Caribbean Contact newspaper and her daughter Kamla is a Senior in college majoring in Exercise Physiology and just won the NPC Sunshine Classic Figure and Fitness Championship March 10th, 2007!

LT: Hi, Sandi! Thank you for dropping by LT's Jazzy Radio Loft & Lounge! It's an honor and a pleasure to have you here in LT's Jazzy Radio Loft & Lounge! Where are you originally from?

Sandi: Hi, LT! Thanks for inviting me! I was born on the beautiful island of Jamaica in Kingston.

LT: "Born on the beautiful island of Jamaica in Kingston." That sounds so beautiful! "Jamaica, Take Me Away!" OK, is winter finished yet here in the States?! :) We're ready for it to warm up here finally I think! How did you first become interested in fitness, health and eating properly?

Sandi: In 1982 I went with a friend to an aerobic class. After I took the class I felt a burst of energy. It was such a great feeling and from that moment I knew exercise was going to be a part of my lifestyle. I got involved in eating healthy also in the early 80's when I took a nutrition class in college. The class taught me how to read the food labels to check the sodium, saturated fat, salt and sugar content. I also learned about the powerful vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables that help the body to function at its optimum fitness level. The nutrition class was an eye opener for me so I made healthy eating also a part of my lifestyle.

LT: Amazing! What was it about the fitness field in particular that attracted you?

Sandi: The fitness field is a healthy field because it deals with overall health and fitness. The people in the fitness field are educated on nutrition and exercise. I wanted to be in an environment that I could get as much wisdom and knowledge so I could perfect my healthy lifestyle.

LT: OK, I have to ask this most popular question that seems to be discussed and debated almost daily; Do diets really work?

Sandi: I personally don't believe in diets. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle. I believe that cutting back on saturated fats (fats from animal sources), cutting back on white bread, white flour, white sugar and eating healthy foods such as; fresh fruits, salads, vegetables and drinking fresh squeezed juices along with regular exercise people can loose weight.

LT: "Living a healthy lifestyle." I like those words instead of the sound of diet! Lol! It sounds much more positive to me. Is there one exercise program everybody can do?

Sandi: Yes, walking is an exercise that everybody can do.

LT: What do you think of gyms and spas overall? The upsides? The downsides?

Sandi: I think that gyms and spas are wonderful. Going to the gym is good for some people because they need to be in an environment where they can be motivated. Also they get a chance to socialize with other people and form a buddy system. They can call each other and encourage each other to go to the gym. Also, if they need a personal trainer they can get one right there at the gym. Some people are not self motivated so they need a gym environment.

The spa is a great place where people can go and get pampered. They can also get a great massage which is beneficial for their overall health. Sometimes people need to get away and take time for themselves to relax and meditate. The spa provides an environment that is calm and tranquil. With all the stress that people deal with on a regular basis the spa is a great escape. I don't see any downsides to spas or gyms they are both beneficial to health.

LT: What exercises can one do at home?

Sandi: Most exercises can be done at home. Some people have home gyms. People can exercise to workout videos and DVD in the privacy of their homes and they can also lift light weights at home.

LT: What are your thoughts on switching to an all veggie/fruit diet?

Sandi: I became a vegetarian four years ago and I have enjoyed all the benefits. I have a lot more energy and I feel more vibrant. It is an individual choice. People have to decide what is beneficial for their health.

LT: What is the real importance of drinking water?

Sandi: Water is the essential high-octane fuel the body needs for peak performance. Water transports the nutrients to your cells. Water lubricates your muscles and joints. Water flushes your kidneys by removing toxins from the body. Water prevents dehydration and helps to keep the skin looking young, vibrant and healthy. These are just some of the wonderful benefits of water. It is recommended to drink six to eight glasses of water each day. I have a great article written by Kelly Jones in the March issue of my Celebrate Life online health newsletter titled, "Are You Hydrated? Test Your Body's Thirst." It is very information. Check it out at

LT: For those of us living on the upper East Coast of The U.S.A., what are some exercises we can do in the winter? That’s when things are most challenging for me because as the old Jazz standard goes, "Baby, It's Cold Outside"! Lol.

Sandi: LT, the winter is the perfect time to workout to your exercise DVDs and videos. It is also a great time to use your home gym equipment such as weights, jump ropes and exercise balls and bands. My Tune-up 30 minutes total body workout that was shot on the beach is wonderful for winter because you can escape to the beach while it is snowing outside.

LT: Speaking of exercise DVDs, what is it that is unique about your exercise DVD compared to the so many that are out here right now and have been out?

Sandi: "Tune-Up" is a very unique workout. It is a hot 30 minute high energy Total Body Workout to help you tone and firm the muscles in your upper and lower body, strengthen your cardiovascular system and improve your flexibility all at the same time. The Tune-up DVD was shot on an exotic beach in Miami, Florida .

LT: Wow! I'm liking that already!

Sandi: The seven powerful music dance tracks produced by Philip Michael Thomas works perfectly with the hot aerobic routines. From the first hearing of the heart beating ...beat...beat..beat at the beginning of the new Tune-up dance track exploding with excitement that makes you want to dance. The red, electric blue, Brazilian yellow, pink salmon, baby blue and a white body fitting aerobic sports gear enhances the visual beauty of the seven workout sections. I use the total flex exercise band, three pound hand weights and a yellow meditation ball, just to name a few tools to help you rev-up your engine, tighten-up your rear end and get rid of your spare tire. The tune-up DVD is hypnotic and colorful. You will be tuning up your body with your own personal Body Mechanic while you learn the Jamaican butterfly, pelvic hip swings and lots of other great dance and aerobic moves to help stimulate and motivate you to live a healthy lifestyle.

LT: Excellent! I love that concept alone! Now, that sounds like something I wanna be part of as an exercise program! As we approach spring and summer, are there some health tips that we should keep in mind?

Sandi: Spring is a great time for people to start their workout so they can get ready for the Summer to wear their cute tops and bathing suits. Summer is very hot so people have to remember to stay out of the sun when the sun rays are their
highest. People should take advantage of the wonderful summer fruits that are in abundance during the summer months.

LT: In the African American Community in particular, we face some troubling statistics of how not only our general health is doing but our children’s health as well. What are some solutions you see that can really help us change the way we eat, shop at the grocery stores, exercise and more? What is it that you see we are doing too much of and what are we doing too little of? What is going on with us as a people in the health and wellness department that can be improved?

Sandi: Education is the key. Once people understand the dangers of saturated fats, high sodium content, sugar, cholesterol and hydrogenated oils they will start to make better health choices. Reading the food labels is very important. People need to be more conscious and aware of what they are eating and how it is going to affect their health over a long period of time. They need to learn more about the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables and their health benefits. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with important vitamins and nutrients to protect your body and build your immune system. Most people are eating too many cakes and pies and not enough exercise.

People have to understand that exercise is very important for their health because of the life-long benefits. Exercise decreases body fat, exercise improves circulation, exercise helps to lower cholesterol, exercise helps to delay the onset of osteoporosis, exercise helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and also helps to delay the aging process. Exercise does the body good. Jack Lalanne said, “Exercise is king and nutrition is queen put them together and you get a kingdom." I think Jack's quote sums up the importance of exercise and good eating habits.

LT: “Exercise is king and nutrition is queen put them together and you get a kingdom." These are pearls of wisdom here! That is the first time I have heard that! I love that quote! It makes so much sense! Go head, Jack Lalanne! Now, how can people get in contact with you that want to subscribe to your newsletter, buy your DVDs and videos?

Sandi: They can visit my website at My Tune-up DVD and Tune-up fitness book can be purchased from my website. My newsletter is published on my website monthly.

LT: Do you do personal one-on-one consultations for someone who is looking for a trainer or even wants a trainer to come to their group or organization?

Sandi: Yes, I consult with various groups and organization on exercise that their employees can do while they are at work and people can contact me on my website for that as well.

LT: Now, I recently found out you are involved in a new play called "Sacha on Broadway" and some other projects. Sandi, you are so multi-talented! What other projects are you currently working on? Tell us all about it!

Sandi: I am currently working on a recipe book and producing the play "Sacha on Broadway that I Co-wrote with Philip Michael Thomas.

LT: Where did the idea for "Sacha on Broadway" come from?

Sandi: "Sacha on Broadway" came from a story- book that Philip Michael Thomas and I co-wrote in 1999 called "Sacha and the Magic Cookie Maker" and other short stories. We turned the story-book into a play and over the years as we fine tuned the play the story line and title was changed to "Sacha on Broadway".

LT: What is the story about?

Sandi: The story is about a young woman’s dream to become a Broadway star. But she battles with the demons of self-doubt and fear. She auditioned for a Broadway show and got thrown out and decided to give up on her dream. Her mother who had given up on her dream to become a prima ballerina is determined to stop Sacha from continuing on with the cycle of broken dreams. It is an enchanting musical love story about hope, courage and the power within.

LT: How long has the company been together?

Sandi: Sacha and the Magic Cookie Production Company has been together since 1999.

LT: Is your cast made up of actors all from Miami?

Sandi: The cast is from Miami only when the show is produced in Miami.

LT: For all the actors and aspiring actors out here, are you still taking auditions?

Sandi: Yes, we are currently auditioning in Orlando to find the Orlando cast.

LT: Where can people see "Sacha on Broadway"?

Sandi: We plan to open "Sacha on Broadway" in Orlando around the end of May 2007.

LT: Will Sacha be on tour in the USA soon?

Sandi: Yes, we plan to take Sacha on a mini tour to Tampa and Jacksonville after we open in Orlando.

LT: Will Sacha ever come to D.C. New York, Philly, anytime soon? Any other tour dates planned?

Sandi: Sacha on Broadway was opened in New York in September 2005 at the Theater of the Riverside Church. We plan to take Sacha to D.C. and Philly but we don’t have a set date. We also plan to take Sacha back to New York.

LT: Cool! How did you meet Philip Michael Thomas? What is Philip's involvement in Sacha? Are you all producing and directing the play together? How did you all pull it all together? What was the genesis of the idea for the play? Did a real story inspire it?

Sandi: I met Philip twenty three years ago on the set of Miami Vice. Philip is a Co-writer on the play and he wrote most of the songs for the play and composed the music for the play. He Is a genius when it comes to music. We pull it all together by working hard for the past seven years, re-writing and re-structuring the play each time we produced it. The play evolved from A little song Philip wrote for his daughter Sacha when she was four years old. called “Magic Cookie Maker.” We used his daughter's experience and turned it into a story called “Sacha and the Magic Cooker Maker.” Over the years the story line changed to a more mature Sacha and the title was also changed to Sacha on Broadway.

LT: How is the talent in Miami you have found so far compared to let's say, a New York or a Los Angeles? Does Miami have a thriving arts community?

Sandi: We have auditioned in Miami, Virginia and New York for the past seven years and it has been hard to find triple threat (singers, actors, dancers). People are not studying theater the way they use to anymore.

LT: Interesting. What projects, upcoming events, DVDs, videos, appearances can we look forward to next? What does the immediate and long term future hold for Sandi Morais? What are some things we can look forward to hearing and seeing from you soon?

Sandi: I have a featured article appearing in two magazines sometime in April 2007. One magazine is based in Jamaica called "Jamfit" and the other is based In Atlanta called "Smart and Sexy Women". I am also in the process of writing a recipe book. I would like my fitness book and DVD to be translated in French, German and Spanish so I can reach a larger audience. My passion is health and I would like to teach and encourage as many people as I can to live a healthy lifestyle because health is the greatest of all blessings.

LT: Beautiful! That really sounds great!

Sandi: My 21 year-old daughter just won the NPC Sunshine Classic Figure and Fitness Championship on March 10th, 2007. I am very proud of her. She is continuing on in the health field that I got involved in twenty-five years ago.

LT: Wow! Congratulations to you and your daughter!

Sandi: Thank you!

LT: Sandi, Thank u so much for dropping by LT's Loft and Lounge, Its been and honor and a pleasure. Swing by LT's Jazzy Radio Loft & Lounge again anytime! All the Best!

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