Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Eyes On The Prize Returns to PBS Monday night, October 2nd, 2006

PBS is re-airing Eyes On The Prize starting Monday, October 2nd, 2006. See pbs.org for more info.

Eyes On The Prize has not aired since 1993. It's original airing was in 1987. I was 16 and in my senior year of High School when this initially aired. We watched it not only on PBS but at school as it was required viewing as part of our Social Justice class. We also did reports on it and had many conversations with family and friends about it all during the broadcast.

I think it is required viewing for all young people to see this today and adults too.

There have been some very interesting dynamics as to what it has taken to get this series re-aired. A lot of it has to do with new rules by the FCC but there are other reasons as well. See here for more: broadcastingcable.com.

Also check out this peice as to why Eyes On The Prize has taken so long to be re-aired publically. A lot of it has to do with Fair Use:

What is Fair Use? Here are some informative links:

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