A lot has been said this week on Hugo Chavez' speech at the United Nations this week. The opinions and commentary I have heard on his words has been all over the place it seems.
It seems like I have heard edited soundclip upon edited soundclip of part of what he said but no news media outlet seems to have presented all of what he said in a fair and balanced way.
So I had to look up exactly all of what he said because as usual, in the mainstream media, things have a tendency to be filtered or slanted or clipped depending on where one gets one's news. This is another reason I try to keep informed through many different news sources. I actually don't have or rely on one official news source! ;)
To the mainstream media out here? I like to hear, see or read the information for myself then come to my own opinion and conclusion, thank you very much. What is that old saying? "There are always two sides to every story."
To read Hugo Chavez' United Nations speech in its entirety click here: newsmax.com.
President Chavez will be a guest on Tavis Smiley's Show on Friday. One of only two exclusive interviews he gave this week. For more information see here: tavissmiley.
An interesting website that explores a different side of Venezuela that we can usually only hear on public radio: venezuelasolidarity.org
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