Zhane (pronounced Ja-Nay) has been on my mind all week. Their smooth harmonies. The sound of their voices together. Those solid grooves that were always right there backing them up. Just that distinct Zhane sound that always makes me stop what I'm doing and groove for a minute or two with them when I still hear them on the radio in some mix a DJ is doing. I miss those days in R&B music. 1993 - 1994.
Jean Norris and Renee Neufville initially met while both were studying music at Philadelphia Temple University (Norris is originally from Rhode Island, Neufville from Jamaica).
I saw Zhane one night during a Temple Pep Rally in The Fall of '94 that was incredible. The energy in the gymnasium was already very high and filled with school spirit but when the crowd saw that Zhane was there it rose even higher. I mean, it was electric! Everyone got so excited to see that they were there and started cheering for them to sing something acapella on the mic and someone even handed them a live mic but they graciously declined and said they couldn't do it because of contractual reasons. But they did talk a little about what was going on with them and showed all their love and support for the school and the teams. They were there to enjoy the Pep Rally like everyone else! ;)
The step shows were also really something else that night by all the sororities and fraternities. A lot of alumni came back and were in the house. The energy and school spirit was so high in the stands. That night was one I would like to see again one tape if anyone out there has it! ;)
To catch up with the latest musical happenings with Renee Neufville check out her official myspace page: myspace.com/reneemusic.
Hey, Mr DJ (1993)
Groove Thing (1994) - This is one of my favorites by Zhane because that groove is so solid! It's just in the pocket for days. It's in LTs Eternal Groove Pocket!
Sending My Love (1994)
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